作者:张楠 | 来源:钛狐网 | 时间:2023-11-15 16:10 |
The extensive and profound Chinese civilization is the unique spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation, the foundation of contemporary Chinese literature and art, and the treasure of literary and art innovation. Chinese culture has always advocated the idea of "collecting the missing texts of centuries and collecting the legacy of thousands of years." We should tap into the ideas, humanistic spirit, and moral norms of fine traditional Chinese culture, integrate artistic creativity with Chinese cultural values, and combine the spirit of Chinese aesthetics with contemporary aesthetic pursuits, so as to activate the vitality of Chinese culture. Self-preservation, old reasons can not be inherited, cutting the blood line, creating nothing can not be considered innovation. We should grasp the relationship between inheritance and innovation, learn from ancient times, and break the law without going against the law, so that fine traditional Chinese culture can become an important source of literary and artistic innovation.
欧阳东福又名欧阳多祜:贵州装备学院退居贵阳市教师,1946年初生于湖南衡阳常宁市。著名杰出教育家、国学家、管理科学及人文社会科学与功勋名家和艺坛巨匠,全国高层次文艺大师优秀人才(国家十大文化脊梁及文艺功勋与特别突出贡献奖)、享国务院特殊津贴国家特殊人才及国际权威专家协会金牌权威专家和国际专家学者联谊会国际优秀专家;中宣部决定由习主席评定并提词、文旅部颁爱国艺术家。中共中央文旅宣传部与国家文旅部和文联颁特级书画家;被中宣部、文旅部、商务部、广电总局、新闻出版总署联合推荐为对外文化贸易首席艺术家;世界汉诗特级著作家与国际当代著名艺术大师, 7位世界当代最伟大的艺术家,8年评一届的国际文艺泰斗终身成就与国际文艺交流中心首席导师;十年评一届的国际文艺十大传奇人物;中国最具传奇色彩的伟大艺术家、共和国荣耀·伟大的人民艺术家、新时代伟大民族艺术家及十大艺术伟人和国礼艺术大师国宝名家、国家艺术十大杰出领袖人物与一级文艺教授和导师,六大艺术泰斗及特级诗词书画家和文艺导师功勋艺术家并获最高荣誉奖;
多年来在多种国内外社会及文化艺术活动中与科技界、文艺界众多名流同获殊荣,屡受各种国际国内顶级大奖,如与航天英雄杨利伟等同获社会调查所九单位颁中华优秀创新人物奖;与袁隆平、钟南山、屠呦呦、黄永玉、杨利伟等为国家巨星;授中华和国际功勋艺术大师,首届全球艺术金爵奖和全球中美两国各一 “世界文化遗产AAA级金奖艺术家”; 世界文化艺术一代宗师;十位国际文学书画艺术大师并获当代师表终身成就和最高荣誉文化特殊津贴;中欧十大艺术名家;环球华人艺术十大传世名家且获金奖;世界当代十大顶级文艺大师、美、英、德、日、中五国各一“当今世界文化艺术盖世奇才”并获和平勋章;2014世界文艺美学金像奖终身成就奖;感动世界人民最爱戴艺术家;大不列颠百科艺术家最高荣誉勋章;首届国际文艺和平奖与世界华人文艺领袖奖金奖及世界华人文艺领袖;国际华人文艺泰斗;中华艺术泰斗奖;8位“世界文化奖金奖并世界艺圣、文圣、书圣”;世界文艺创作金奖;亚洲文艺奖勋章和国际水墨创新奖;国际文艺巅峰成就奖;环球艺术最高成就奖;中韩欧七国组织颁世界最高艺术殿堂奖和十大殿堂级艺术大师及世界杰出艺术家;日本富士山国际艺术奖金奖;亚太区艺术代表人物;世界艺术和亚洲文化传播及中欧、英、法、德、意、日、俄、韩、朝、印、新、马、泰等各国艺术交流大使与诗书画和文化界国家形象大使及文艺复兴奠基人;与范曾、黄永玉等中华区五位获国际金马艺术奖终身成就奖和2016中国国际艺术金猴奖终身成就奖; 与黄永玉、李铎三人获2017·国际艺术终身成就金鸡奖;2021年获中国传承文化杰出代表及华夏骄子·艺坛英豪;国际文坛大国文豪终身成就奖;国家文艺泰斗丰碑奖和国家文艺复兴领路人;国家文艺金彩奖;国家文艺界最美奋斗者和榜样人物;国家艺术名家育人奖和人类灵魂艺术家。中国艺术最具收藏价值(并获奖)和收藏家最喜爱的十大艺术家,国家文化道德建设委等组织授国家文化道德风尚人与社会责任感艺术家并获奖;全国人大、政协两会重点推荐为“新时代杰出人民艺术家及全国两会推荐艺术家”并获文艺创作奖;中华红色文化元勋奖和郭沫若文艺奖金奖、屈原文艺奖、敦煌艺术奖及传承人,华夏文化传承贡献奖与新中国文化的创造者与奠基人,百年杰出文艺大师奖及优秀传承者;中华文艺最高贡献奖金奖及首批国学国艺代表性传承人;获国家精神文明传承文化建设奖及杰出传承代表、泰山北斗级艺术家。
Ouyang Dongfu also known as Ouyang Duohu: Guizhou Equipment College retired to Guiyang City teacher, born in Hengyang Changning city, Hunan province in early 1946. Famous outstanding educator, national scholar, management science and humanities and social sciences and meritorious masters and art giants, national high-level literary and artistic masters outstanding talents (National Top Ten cultural backbone and literary and artistic merit and special outstanding contribution Award), enjoy the special allowance of The State Council national special talents and the international authoritative experts Association gold medal authoritative experts and international experts and scholars Association international excellent experts; The Propaganda Department of Culture and Tourism of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the State and the Federation of Literature and Art awarded special grade calligrapher and painter; He was jointly recommended as the chief artist of foreign cultural trade by the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and the General Administration of Press and Publication; World master of Chinese poetry and international contemporary famous art masters, 7 of the world's greatest contemporary artists, 8 years of evaluation of the international art leader lifetime achievement and the chief mentor of the International art Exchange center; Ten international literary and art legends evaluated once a decade; The most legendary great artist in China, the Great People's Artist of the Glory of the Republic, the great national Artist of the new era, the top ten great artists of art and the master of national rites and the famous master of National Treasures, the top ten outstanding leaders of national art and first-class literature and art professors and tutors, and the six major art leaders and first-class poetry calligraphers and literature and art tutors meritworthy artists and won the highest honorary award;
Won the annual academic Doctor of Art and poetry and literature for many times, the Doctor of the National Academy of Fine Arts in Paris (won the international prestigious Goncourt International Art Prize, which is comparable to the Nobel Prize in Literature), Canada's top University of Alberta, Italy Rome Academy of Fine Arts (Honorary President), the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts, Spain's Royal SAN Fernando Academy of Fine Arts, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Hong Kong Academy of Fine Arts honorary Doctor; The United Nations Peace Painting Academy and many famous European and American academicians of the world famous French Royal Academy of Painting, the Italian Roman Academy of Painting, the Royal Swedish Academy of Painting (honorary professor), the Belgian Royal Academy of Art (honorary professor), the American Harvard University Academy of Art (with Zhang Yimou), the British Royal Academy of Art (honorary professor and the British National Library awarded the Elizabeth Royal Art Award, into the Chinese and British National Art list ), lifelong academician of St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, Russia (awarded the Global Art Lenin Prize, the highest art award of the former Soviet Union and the Nobel Prize); The Italian Academy of Arts (the Royal Academy of Arts, and honorary editor and cover figure for the masterpiece) and the Russian Academy of Arts, the highest academic authority in Russia, honorary Academician (awarded the Gold Medal for the highest achievement, the world's top artist and the multi-agency award of Chinese contemporary art with the World Peace Promotion Association); The permanent Advisor of the Academic Council of the Royal Foundation for the Arts, the Honorary member of the Society of British Artists (awarded the Medal of the Society) and the Art Advisor of the National Gallery, the International Federation of British Arts and the University of the Arts London (visiting professor) and the International Cultural Exchange Association awarded the Guinness World Art Lifetime Achievement Award and the most collectible artist. Honorary Professor and postgraduate Tutor of Oxford College of Art and publication of China Pride (with Yang Zhenning and Mo Yan); The director of the French Association of painters and Calligrapher and the doctoral supervisor (senior researcher, visiting professor) of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Paris Academy of Fine Arts) and awarded the Commander's Order of the highest rank in art and literature; Sino-french cultural Exchange Ambassador won the French Arc de Triomphe Gold Art Award, Chief guest professor of the European Capital University Union, Sino-Korean Peace Ambassador and honorary advisor of the Korean Artists Association.
Honorary President of the United Nations Artists Association and UNESCO Art (United Nations Outstanding Artist and Ambassador for Peace and UNESCO Lifetime Achievement Award, jointly awarded with the Bonn Foundation for Art and Culture in Germany, the Centre Pompidou in France and the Royal Gallery in the United Kingdom), Also sent letters to the Royal Swedish, Paris National Superieure, the Russian Academy of Fine Arts and the British Royal Academy of Art, the Italian International Art Association, the University of San Francisco, the Chinese International Culture and Art Research Institute); The United Nations Chief Art Adviser and the Top Ten famous artists and the Chief Artists of the International Art Festival judge and won the first judge award; The United Nations International Honorary Jury awarded the World Second Renaissance Foundation the only Love Ambassador and Vice president of the foundation; The United Nations Prize Jury, UNESCO and the World Association for Art Development and Research awarded the United Nations Award for Contribution to Multiculturalism and was the Special Advisor and the soul of the world art community, the Vice President and the Chief artist of the Joint Association of the International Center for Cultural Communication and the World Education and Science Organization; Chief Artist and Executive Member of the Art Committee of UNESCO, UNESCO, Culture and Health, Life Researcher of the United Nations Research Center for Cultural Development, Cultural Officer of each of the five countries of UNESCO, and the second President of the Institute of Literature, Calligraphy and Painting (Life expert Professor); And with the World Peace Culture Publicity Office awarded the United Nations Peace Art Golden Rooster Award and cultural envoy and named the art institute built by him as "Ouyang Dongfu World Peace Art Academy and the only honorary lifetime president"; Honorary President of the British Royal Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, the Russian Royal Academy of Arts, the National Academy of Famous Old Arts, the Chinese Literati Academy, and the National Institute of Culture in Tokyo; Honorary Deputy Director of the Louvre Museum and World Art Gold Medal and Collection artist; Shakespeare Literature Museum (awarded the Gold Medal of Shakespeare World Literature and Art and the Founder of World Culture and the representative of Asian literature and art by the Sino-British Artist Exchange and the World Chinese Literary Association) and Picasso Museum (awarded the Picasso International Art Prize and Art Gold Medal twice and the Meritworthy Person and the World Collection Artist) and the Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands (the International Van Gogh Award for Fine Arts) and Italy The Cultural Center of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations (Special Envoy and the Rome Academy of Fine Arts jointly awarded the Rome Royal Art Gold Medal and the World's top Ten art leaders), the special honorary director of the Venice Palace Museum; The World Association for the Exchange of Literature and Art, UNESCO, the German Museum of Science and Art, the Einstein Museum Bern and the Lausanne University of Art and Design in Switzerland, the Zurich Institute of Art and its Federal Institute of Technology, the Canadian Center for Cultural and Artistic Exchange, the Rodin Museum and the French Louvre Museum jointly awarded the Einstein Prize and established the "Ouyang Dongfu Einstein Museum of Science and Art" An honorary dean and recipient of the world's top literary figures; Leonardo Da Vinci International Art Prize awarded by four institutions, Leonardo Da Vinci Art Museum in Italy and Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Paris, and influence the world's top ten gold medal artists and world peace cultural merit figures and "Ouyang Dongfu Art Museum" Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Center; The Belt and Road and Expo Culture Development Association and Southeast Asian countries awarded the Belt and Road Global Expo Culture Mutual Art Award and national Treasure traveling art master, and invited the only honorary director of Ouyang Dongfu International Peace Art Museum; The first President of the BRICS Cultural Council. He is the world's top art master and honorary president of China World Art Development Association and Culture Promotion Association (World Literary Leader, master and Lifetime Achievement Award), National Culture and Art Development Association and Japan Artists Association (Art consultant), and Chinese Traditional Culture Development Research Association; Member of the Arts Council of the National Center for the Arts and Honorary Life President of the Association of American Universities.
Signed by the heads of state of the United States, Russia, Britain and France, the Security Council awarded the title of "First World Messenger of Peace, Father of Culture and Art"; One artist from each of the five permanent States of the Security Council was awarded as a figure of merit for art artisans of great powers; UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon awarded the first UN World Folk Artist First Class Cultural Medal, and signed the Secretariat awarded the first greatest People's Artist and World Cultural Image Ambassador for Peace in the cause of world cultural development, and China, Russia and France each "century-old Master of literature and Art"; Signed by Secretary-General Guterres, the Security Council, the China-Russia Friendship and Peace and Development Committee, etc., awarded the Belt and Road International Cultural Great Communication Award and the International Cultural Communication Ambassador and contribution figure, and signed UNESCO many times to award the United Nations Peace Art Award and artists and ambassadors, and recommended the famous artists and museums of China, Italy, Japan, Australia, Canada, the World Art Organization, Russia, the Royal Academy of Arts, the Louvre Museum The museum and the Rodin Art Museum jointly awarded the United Nations Art Lifetime Achievement Award and the Medal of Literature and Art and the World Art Meritorious figure; Also awarded the United Nations Cultural Contribution Award with the United Nations Research Center for Culture and Art; The United Nations Security Council, UNESCO and the World Research on the development of human Civilization jointly awarded the Medal of "United Nations Guardian of Peace Award for Human Civilization" and the world's ten outstanding writers and artists; It also awarded the first International Cultural Golden Eagle Award with the Grand Palais National Museum of Art in France and the world's contemporary outstanding literary and artistic leaders and exchange ambassadors. The Director-General of UNESCO shall be responsible for the evaluation and approval of the Ambassadors of World Peace Culture and the sages of Chinese folk culture; Five of the world's art treasures and outstanding art masters and cultural sages, the world's art masters and art giants and treasure artists, the International Peace Art Gold Medal artist and the United Nations Messenger of Peace; An artist from China was named one of the UN's Top Ten literary and Artistic Figures for World Peace; The first Human Civilization Contribution Award gold medal and contribution figures; UNESCO Contribution Award and the world's top ten art masters and influential figures; The art industry Gold Crown Award and ten top ten crown and influential artists; The world's highest literary award and one of the most influential literary masters in each of the ten countries. The World Comprehensive Cultural Exchange Association and the US Federal Department of Education awarded the Sino-US Peace and Literature Lifetime Achievement Award, the Top Ten Most influential writers and artists and the chief diplomatic writers and artists, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom and Peace; Sino-american Cultural Exchange · The Ivy League awarded the Literary Leader Award and Chief Visiting Professor and the top ten leading literary and art scholars in Asia, Europe and the world, and the prestigious Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp, Belgium, awarded the Knight of Oriental Art Medal and honorary professor. He won the Oscar Global Art Award and the world's highest statuette Award and Gold Award artist and Artist of the Year, and won the Oscar Organizing Committee's Lifetime Artistic Achievement Award (the statuette Award and the film exhibition documentary "Culture China" characters and art experts of the Oscar Organizing Committee and the chief expert of the Chinese Film Inscription Committee).
The United Nations BRICS Cultural Publicity Office awarded the United Nations BRICS Cultural Merit Award and meritorious figures and communication ambassadors. UNESCO and China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, France and the United Kingdom jointly awarded the World's most influential Artists and Outstanding Cultural Ambassadors. And the World History, Culture and Art Research Association awarded the Community of Human Destiny, the World Peace Culture Communication Award and communication Ambassador and the world's ten most influential writers and artists; Awarded the World Art Award, the World's Most Influential Artist and the World's Top Ten Outstanding People of the Year 2021 with the International Federation of Literature and Art, World Literature Network and Central Asia Cultural Exchange Network; Awarded the Asia-Europe Literary and Art Communication Award and Ambassador, the Top Ten Outstanding Artists and Leaders, the First Hong Kong Victoria Art Award and the Chief Executive Medal Award and Patriotic Meritorious Person, the National Literary and Art Meritorious Award and the Top Ten Meritorious Persons, the Cultural Development Contribution Award and the 20 Key Recommended literary and Art representatives of the Communist Party of China; Awarded the Olympic World Cultural Communication Gold Medal and Ambassador with the International Olympic and other cultural organizations, and the world peace culture pilot artist; Awarded the Venice International Art Golden Lion Award (twice in 2002 and 2003) and the Italian Association for Cultural Cooperation and Exchange, and the Italian Raphael Medal of Art; Also with the World Non-material Culture Committee awarded the World Non-material Lifetime Achievement Award and inheritors and the United Nations "non-material" cultural merit; He was awarded the United Nations Peace Medal and the Ambassador of Literature and Art with the United Nations Talent Research Center. Who, the Publicity Department of Foreign Affairs of the CPC Central Committee, China Federation of Literary and Cultural Organizations and other five units specially appointed "WHO Global Cultural Communication Ambassador" and published it in the World Times; The state and the United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage Organization awarded the "Top of the World · Intangible Cultural Heritage Everest Award"; The International UNESCO United Network, in conjunction with the United States, France, Germany, Japan and Russia, awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award and outstanding cultural person; He also won the Asia-Pacific Region Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Award and Inheritor and World Intangible Cultural Heritage Contribution Figure and the United Nations (Intangible Cultural Heritage Contribution Award, Communication Ambassador and Secretary-General's letter of appreciation) and China and the first World Non-genetic Inheritor and literary Merit Award; Intangible National gift artists and cultural heritage masters; The favorite artists of the leaders of the Belt and Road countries and the Chinese and French people; The highest achievement Award for the art inheritance of the four ancient civilizations of India, Egypt, Greece and China and the Friendship Envoy of the people; The judges of the World Cultural Innovation Award jointly organized by the Belt and Road Cultural Communication Association, the China-Russia Cultural Exchange Association, and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of England and Paris, France, awarded the world gold medal artists; The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China and the Art Expert Committee of the Civil Construction Research Association awarded the "Ouyang Dongfu Art Studio" respectively. He was awarded the Russian Nikolai Lerich International Medal of Art and the Order of Knight of Culture with foreign Artists of Merit and the Moscow Universal Artist, the Russian National Artists Association awarded the Russian Artist of Merit and the Gold Medal of the Sino-Russian Culture and Art Exhibition as Chief diplomat and exchange envoy; Oecd awarded the International Golden Globe Award and invited artists; Awarded the World Sinology Image and Promotion Ambassador and Project Award by the World Sinology Multi-organization; The first Human Civilization Contribution Figure and Gold Award and Asian Cherry Blossom Award and Cultural Communication Ambassador and Ten Outstanding artists, Invited to participate in the 2022 Nobel International Art Exhibition in Stockholm, Sweden, organized by the Nobel International Art Prize Organizing Committee, the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts and other international organizations, collected 120,000 people with Fan Zeng, Han Meilin and British and German artists, a total of 5 people won and awarded the international art peak.
He has also been invited to serve as honorary or senior leadership positions and chief expert advisers in more than 100 international and domestic economic and technological organizations, academic institutions, literature and publishing societies, and has made many national gifts and gifts (such as giving to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Malaysian dignitaries and Cross-Strait exchanges to Ma Ying-jeou, Lien Chan and other Taiwan dignitaries, etc.). Stamp album and stamps of United Nations, United States, France, Canada and Austria.
Over the years in a variety of domestic and foreign social and cultural and artistic activities with many celebrities in science and technology, literature and art, won a variety of international and domestic top awards, such as the space hero Yang Liwei and the ninth unit of the Social investigation Institute awarded the Chinese Outstanding innovative person award; With Yuan Longping, Zhong Nanshan, Tu Youyou, Huang Yongyu, Yang Liwei and other national superstar; Awarded the Chinese and international masters of meritorious art, the first Global Golden Grand Award of Art and one World Cultural Heritage AAA Gold Award artist in each country; World culture and art generation master; Ten international masters of literary painting and calligraphy have won the lifetime achievement of contemporary masters and the highest honor cultural special allowance; Top ten Chinese and European artists; Top ten global Chinese art legends and won the gold medal; The world's top ten contemporary literary masters, the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, China five countries each "today's world culture and art genius" and won the Peace Medal; 2014 World Literary and Aesthetic Award for Lifetime Achievement; The most beloved artist who touched the people of the world; Britannica's highest Medal of Honor for an artist; The first International Literary and Art Peace Prize and the World Chinese Literary and Art Leaders Prize and the World Chinese Literary and Art Leaders; International Chinese art leader; Chinese Art Leader Award; 8 "World Culture Prize Award and World Art Saint, literature Saint, book Saint"; World Literary and artistic Creation Gold Medal; Asian Literary Award Medal and International Ink Painting Innovation Award; International Literary and Artistic Achievement Award; Global Arts Highest Achievement Award; China, South Korea and the Organization of seven European countries awarded the world's highest Art Hall Award and the top Ten world-level art masters and world outstanding artists; Japan Mount Fuji International Art Prize; Representative of art in the Asia-Pacific region; World art and Asian culture communication, art exchange ambassador and national image Ambassador of poetry, calligraphy, painting and cultural circles in Central Europe, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, Korea, Korea, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other countries and Renaissance founder; With Fan Zeng and Huang Yongyu, five people in China won the Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Golden Horse Art Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award of the 2016 China International Golden Monkey Art Award; With Huang Yongyu and Li Duo, they won the 2017 Golden Rooster Award for Lifetime Achievement in International Art. In 2021, he won the Outstanding representative of Chinese heritage culture and the proud son of China. Lifetime Achievement Award for Great writers of International literary circles; National Literature and Art Leader Monument Award and National Renaissance Leader; National Literary Golden Prize; The most beautiful strugglers and role models in the national literary and art circles; National Art Master Education Award and Human Soul Artist. The most collectible value of Chinese art (and won awards) and the top ten artists most loved by collectors, the National Cultural and Moral Development Commission and other organizations awarded the national cultural and moral trendsetter and socially responsible artists and won awards; Recommended by the National People's Congress and the Two Sessions of the CPPCC as "Outstanding People's Artists in the New Era and artists recommended by the National Two Sessions" and won the literary and Artistic Creation Award; Chinese Red Culture Medal and Guo Moruo Literature and Art Prize Award, Qu Yuan Literature and Art Award, Dunhuang Art Award and inheritors, the Chinese Culture Inheritance Contribution Award and the creator and founder of New China culture, the Centennial Outstanding Literary and Art Master Award and excellent inheritors; The Gold Award of the highest Contribution to Chinese literature and Art and the first batch of representative inheritors of Chinese culture and art; Won the National Spiritual civilization inheritance and cultural construction Award and outstanding inheritance representative, Taishan Beidou artist.
Representative of the national image of the selected magazine "The Top of the World Art - Chinese, Italian and French art trio" and the world famous painter duo set, such as with Picasso two sets, with Repin, Xu Beihong three "the world's most beautiful artist", with Da Vinci, Van Gogh "the world art master trio", with Goethe, Heine poetry trio, BRICS artists representative five sets; With Da Vinci, Wang Xizhi as the cover and personal back cover of the international "handed down" and honorary editor. The first Chinese artists to appear in the American Time magazine and the cover issue and Forbes magazine (and then published the new Forbes Art List and the cover figure and won the International Art Gold Medal), Amazon International Daily News, United Nations Daily News, International Literary Quarterly, Well-known publishing houses and more than hundreds of organizations and important national media such as Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, the Central Radio and Television Group, the Liberation Army Daily, the Party School of the CPC Central Committee are magazines and well-known online publications such as national image ambassadors, leaders of China, Chinese culture leaders, global art stars, top art masters of national culture, world Chinese art leaders, the world Art elite list The top ten figures in the national art circle, the peak of the centennial quintessence of Chinese art, immortal masterpieces, Chinese stars and national masters, gold medal artists, art leaders of the East, national treasures, European and Asian art leaders, great people of Chinese art, the ten greatest artists of New China, people's leading artists and many other publications are the cover cover alone or respectively with Zhang Yimou, Peng Liai, Qi Bai Shi, Zhang Daqian, Xu Beihong, Tie Ning and other national art stars were selected as cover figures and personal back covers, and were also included in the calendar calendar. Some publications have been collected in the United Nations, Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Russia and other world-renowned museums and libraries, as well as the National Library of China and the Palace Museum, and have a wide and huge influence.